“I Love You Regardless” is a romantic comedy from the tables of Audrey Allen Pictures, executive produced by Tosin Allen and produced...
The movie “All is Fair in Love” is a movie by Esse Akwawa, Gloria Obichukwu, and Deyemi Okanlawon who has made a...
“Meeting Funmi’s Parents” is a romantic comedy produced and written by Kevin Apaa, executive produced by Michael Ademola Oke with Suleiman Bolaji...
“Last Call” is a 2024 thriller movie that was produced by Lanre Awolokun, and written/directed by Shola Thompson. Cinefix production handled the...
The highly anticipated Hollywood film, “The Book Of Clarence,” featuring mesmerizing soundtracks by Yemi Alade and Adekunle Gold, is set to grace...
Renowned Nigerian filmmaker, Kemi Adetiba, has officially kicked off the pre-production phase for the much-anticipated sequel to the blockbuster thriller, King of...
The movie “The Silent Intruder: He Cometh to Steal” a movie executively produced by Pere Egbi and distributed by FilmOneng, has now...
“Angel Eyes”, released in cinemas on 2nd February, boasts a production team of Kafilet Lewis, Samsideen Alabi Newton, Yemi Amodu, and Kitan...
“Wahala in America” is a recently released cinematic piece produced and penned by Patrick Onyeke, popularly known as Mr. Patrick, who is...
Ayo Edebiri, a 28-year-old Boston native with a Nigerian father and Barbadian mother, continues to add accolades to her impressive list of...
In the world of Nollywood, 2023 has been a year of stellar performances, compelling narratives, and undeniable talent. From the heart-wrenching dramas...
Mo Abudu’s latest series, “WAR: Wrath And Revenge,” made its global debut on the renowned streaming platform Netflix on December 29, 2023....
“Traffick,” is a cinematic offering by Black Rider in collaboration with Ojis Media Limited, which hit cinemas on December 29, 2023, immersing...
202 participants have been selected for the Berlinale Talents, and amongst these participants are Nigerian Action movie star Tobi Bakre and 11...
A forthcoming cinematic creation featuring Tiwa Savage, Nigeria’s prominent female music sensation, is set to make its debut on Amazon Prime Video...
The 81st edition of the Golden Globes Awards unfolded on January 8, 2024, amidst the glamour of Beverly Hills, Los Angeles California...
The Nigerian film industry has experienced remarkable and nearly immeasurable growth over the past decade. Recently, both Nollywood and the broader Nigerian...
Two years have elapsed since Prime Video began securing licenses for Nigerian content on its platform, and the impact has been noteworthy....
“Love and Life,” released on Prime Video on December 29th, stands as a romantic drama produced by Tonggryang Pantu Steve Gukas and...
In a monumental occasion for Nigerian cinema, the eagerly awaited movie “Sabinus- The Best Man” takes center stage, with Sabinusnassuming the pivotal...